A couple of "rapture-inspired" friends have done a little post I found really interesting:
"In honor of what will, according to Biblical guarantee, occur on May 21st, pal and fellow blogger Delia Knight at
threepageslonghand and I (dearlifefu.com) are writing 21 things that must be said before The End. Please join us. These can be serious, touching, funny, loving, unkind- whatever is real. You don’t have to fully identify the recipient if you would prefer not to- use a pseudonym or initials. GO!"
Yes, you can order a team t-shirt from deerlife's website.
I'm not going to make any comments about today that are uniquely snide or condescending. I have in my lifetime experienced what it is like to be a fundamentalist religious person. I'm sorry for what today is bringing to a lot of people, disillusionment, disappointment, loss of faith, and unfortunately a lot of other horrible things. So here is my list and I'm going for it.
1. C.R.F. - You're wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. You're so screwed that I can't begin to make this effectively come across to you. But today will. And then come see me. We'll have a big chat about what metaphor, allegory and mythology is. You'll see. And then you'll understand. That is of course, if you don't off yourself first. Remember, I used to be one of you.
2. KT - You're a wack job. I hope you don't teach children anymore. You probably suffered in life. I think giving a kindergartner a report card like that is pretty cray-cray. Thank God I got a good laugh later. And my mother never took you seriously.
3. Adam - We ate parsley and pretended it was spinach and that we were Pop-eye.. I never knew what really went on in your house. Only that you were my friend and I had so few friends it was nice to have a friend like you. My mom said she saw you on some TV Evanglist show and that you had been adopted by some family. I hope they loved you and took good care of you. I wish you well.
4. Alice - Thank you for teaching me to be kind. And to laugh at old movies. Because they are funny. And special. You are too. Thank you.
5. NM - I ran away to your house. We tried to fix my teeth. We got in lots and lots of trouble. We had lots of fun. I guess what you saw in my childhood and I saw in yours should make this story sad. But I don't feel sad. I feel like I truly know what friendship is. The ability to see a person as they are, not a creation from circumstances, and love them. I don't know where you are or what you're doing. But I understand your need to find yourself, your own identity, without having someone tell you who you are and what you should do.
6. JTB - You saved my life. Saved my life. Don't ever forget that. I am here because you said what you said and did what you did. I will always love you and your family for that.
7. RT - You were one of the many men that stepped up and showed me what a real man can be: a father, a caretaker, a righteous and just authority figure, a loving person. You were not perfect but who is. You are much loved and much missed. Thank you.
8. TTJ - Thank you for putting up with my crap. You are awesome. One of my sisters forever.
9. ST - Ditto. You rock. I loved having you as my adopted older sister. I love you and your kids. Thank you.
10. CHN - If you are still alive, get some help. Get clean. It kills me inside that you have lost them both and don't care. It is never too late to get off the merry-go-round. It's never going to stop until you get off.
11. NN - You know what you did. And how many you did that to. I don't believe that you can ask God to forgive you if you're not sorry. And if you're floating around thinking that all is good and you're on the winning side now, I hope today is a big slap in the face. Big. And then you're sorry.
12. AI - I don't waste much time on you other than the clarity I have now. I won't waste one more breath or sentance.
13. BP - I know exactly who you are. And exactly what a piece of garbage. You will get what's coming to you, I don't have to ask a punishing God or karma for that. All I can say is you better pray that you never make the mistake of coming across my path with anything less than an apology.
14. TO - Thank you for being the sociopath in my life. And helping me understand that no amount of love in the world can change someone if they don't want to be changed. I wish that was different. But you also helped end my cycle of dating drug-addicted, sociopaths. Thank you.
15. Family - we have complicated ties. And complicated storylines. Thanks for being in the parts where you counted and made the difference. And sorry for the mud and the muck. It hasn't been easy for any of us.
16. JKH - Freud was sort of right. What I really think, I came here to save you. We agreed on that before we came. And then when that came off, we changed. I would do it all again. All of it. You are an amazing person. I don't want to imagine my life without you. I love you.
17. KS - You are my lucky charm. I wish I would remember this when I get mad at you. I wouldn't want to spend a minute without you. You are amazing. You jumped into the great void. I'll jump with you anywhere.
18. Dad - It's complicated. Your drug takes over like none other. Heroin should be her name. I wish you all the best.
19. A - You abuse people. You need some help.
20. J - It's been horrible. We survived but couldn't keep our relationship tied. It's complex. I'm so sorry. I don't know why I hated you so much. That is my weakness. You are nothing to hate and don't deserve that. I wish I had been better. I love you and am so proud of what you've done. You did it.
21. Left blank - in case I have more later.